Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Features Found in Staphylococci

If you are interested in learning more about the bacteria that cause boils etc...

.....1. The Carrier State:
• Staphylococcus aureus is not normal flora, but it transiently colonizes the
nasopharynx of up to 30% of the population.
• Colonization can occur in the nasopharynx, skin, and vagina.
• Increased chances of being colonized occur in medical personnel, diabetics, and IV drug users.....

....2. Direct Infection:
• Skin: folliculitis, furuncles, carbuncles, abscesses, cellulitis, and wound
• Deep Infection: often post trama and/or surgery e.g., osteomyelitis.....

You Can Read and Download the Document Here (pdf-format)

This document also contians some links to Pitures of Boils, Furuncles and Carbuncles.

Boils And Carbuncles - Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide - Boils And Carbuncles

With medication advices...Consider using an antibiotic if...

...A boil (furuncle) is an acute infection of a hair follicle, usually by Staphylococcus aureus. Boils arise in hair-bearing sites, particularly where there is friction, occlusion, and perspiration....

You can Download the Guide Here (pdf-format)