Thursday, April 20, 2006

Exposing A Potent Pathogen: Staph

...Thanks to two Houston Astros trainers who spotted a burgeoning staph infection on Morgan Ensberg's ankle, the third baseman was promptly taken to a hospital and treated with antibiotics...

...Staph generally enters the body via a cut, perhaps a nick from shaving or the scrapes of an active athlete,...

...Staph infections usually appear first as a boil or a pimple that evolves into a boil, says...

...If the boil doesn't drain or disappear in a few days and instead starts spreading subcutaneously, that could be a sign of a more...

Exposing A Potent Pathogen: Staph

Superbug - Found At Retirement Home

...The organism is found on many individuals skin and seems to cause no major problems. However if it gets inside the body it can cause infections such as boils or pneumonia...

Superbug - Found At Retirement Home