Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Health-Bacteria-Drugs-Resistance: Invasion Of The Superbugs Worries Doctors

.....The bugs are Streptococcus pneumoniae, blamed for thousands of cases of meningitis, sinusitis, ear infections and pneumonia each year, and Staphylococcus aureus, which is spread through skin abrasions and, if untreated, can cause abscesses and boils and lead to pneumonia or fatal blood poisoning.....

....Meanwhile, a drug-resistant strain of S. aureus has infected thousands of people in the United States and may now have reached Europe, the British weekly New Scientist reported on Saturday....

....The strain has been spreading like wildfire in crowded jails but there have also been numerous smaller outbreaks in towns and cities across the US in recent months....

Health-Bacteria-Drugs-Resistance: Invasion Of The Superbugs Worries Doctors..Read More

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamal, Out surfing for information on staph & happened upon your site. While Health-Bacteria-Drugs-Resistance: Invasion Of The Superbugs Worries Doctors wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.