Friday, December 23, 2005

Drug-Resistant Bacteria Spreading

...Emergency room doctors gave the 20-month-old girl with strawberry-blond hair standard antibiotics to treat a high fever and mild rash that looked like windburn. Then they sent her home....

...The bacteria that aren't killed reproduce and create more drug-resistant bacteria.Williams said many healthy people are carriers, but the exact numbers aren't known.

He noted that a Vanderbilt study found that the number of Middle Tennessee children carrying MRSA increased nearly tenfold from 2002 to 2005. Out of 500 children studied in 2002, 1% had the bacteria in their noses vs. 9.2% in 2005....

..."The message is if you see something that looks like a spider bite, think MRSA."...

Drug-Resistant Bacteria Spreading..Read More

1 comment:

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